- Easy to use: Even the most novice php programmer can create a DataGrid with a complete professional finish in a few minutes and using a minimal amount of code.
- AJAX Technology: phpMyDataGrid Ultimate is fully developed to work in WEB 2.0 environments, has been tested on most browsers available with excellent results.
- Automatic: With just a few lines of php code will get a complete platform for managing information in your tables (Add, edit, delete, view, search, export, etc).
- Auto Paging: phpMyDataGrid Ultimate automatically page the results of the queries, simply define the number of records to display and use any of the available styles of paging.
- Ordering: Order your records easily by one or more columns either ascending or descending.
- Page Header and Footer: Show your own header and footer.
- Multilanguage: Default languages on phpMyDataGrid Ultimate are English and Spanish, but you can easily adapt to your own language or texts..
- Filters: Display only the records that meet a condition.
- Inline edition: The information in each cell can be changed online using HTML controls such as text fields and password, text areas, pull-down menus, checkboxes, etc.
- Display Images: Easily display images associated with fields.
- Links and icons: You can define your own links or icons for each record.
- Tables maintenance: Manage completely and automatically a table with the maintenance functions incorporated in phpMyDataGrid Ultimate (add/edit/delete).
- Your own processes: If you do not like to use the native maintenance function in phpMyDataGrid Ultimate, you can easily edit the actions for the buttons without modifying the class code.
- Security: phpMyDataGrid Ultimate verifies the data before processing, making only allowed processes.
- Multiple Choice: Enable the option of multiple choice to make your own processes on multiple records simultaneously.
- Searching: Allow users to search by any field (pre-defined). You can also give them the opportunity to choose the values of the search from a drop-down menu.
- Customize the presentation: Using stylesheets you can customize the layout of your dataGrids.
- Column styling: You can customize each column according to the type of field data, it may also define title, defaults, etc.
- Formulas: You can perform simple formulas between columns (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) and display the results in another column (as in a spreadsheet).
- Totalize: You can totalize one or more columns of the grid.
- Friendly: phpMyDataGrid Ultimate has representative icons, as well as alternating row colors for easy reading of the data.
- Multiples DataGrids: Now you can have multiple datagrids fully functional on the same page.
- Datepicker: phpMyDataGrid Ultimate allow to use a datepicker for the date type fields, thus making it easier for users to type the dates.
- Right click menu: To perform actions like any desktop application, one of the new features of phpMyDataGrid Ultimate is deploying a menu by pressing the right mouse button, either on the rows or on the column headers.
- Javascript Validations: phpMyDataGrid Ultimate enables data validations using Javascript code.
- Messages to user: You can now make more friendly data entry, providing the user with information about the fields that must fill.
- More orderly: You can define the column location for maintenance icons (Add, edit, delete, etc.).
- Conditional styling: You can give different look to records that meet a condition..
- Export: phpMyDataGrid Ultimate enables users to easily export the active sheet, all records or selected records to multiple formats, including CSV, XML, Plain text for print, spreadsheet (XLS).
- PDF: phpMyDataGrid Ultimate is prepared for export to PDF using the FPDF library.
- Ease of use: Unlike previous versions, phpMyDataGrid Ultimate not have to worry about controlling the HTML code that is before the calls to the library.
- WEB 2.0: easy inclusion in websites 2.0, even when invoked by an AJAX request
- New look: phpMyDataGrid Ultimate comes with a renewed look, better presentation of the visual elements and colors.
- Ordering by multiple columns: phpMyDataGrid Ultimate can sort the records of the grid for several columns, simply hold the "Shift" key while click over the ordering arrows, or also by using the header contextual menu.
- Dynamic drop down menus: get data from tables to make relationships, and display them in pull-down menus.
- Indicators: When using the option of checking rows, by selecting a checkbox, the whole row is illuminated to indicate their status.
- Inline edition: Improved support for the online edition, now additionally retains the format of the column.
- Calculations: The results of computed columns are now displayed correctly retaining the original format of the column and re-totalizing totals in both columns origin and calculated columns (if any)
- Password: Now you hace the option to use the field type "password", which allows you to hide the typed information by displaying asterisks..
- Configurable: With just a few lines of code you can modify messages or icons to display in the dataGrid.
- Capture parameters: Now you do not have to worry about data capture GET or POST, even if some of its parameters has the same name as a field of the table.
- Searching: Create a menu with all the possible values of a field and allow the user to select one.
- Customizable: Allows user to define the number of rows to display on each page also allows the programmer to set the number of rows that will compose the interlined.
- Conditional editing and conditional deleting: You can define that only records that meet a condition will be editable and / or deleteable.
- Attributes for individual columns: Each column can be controlled independently, and define whether it is visible or not on the grid, or when adding or editing, can also remove the ordering arrows of one or more columns.
- Store calculated results: You can store in a field of the table the results generated by formulas.
- Templates: It is too easy to use phpMyDataGrid Ultimate in templates
- Upload images: phpMyDataGrid Ultimate allows "load" new images or modify existing images related to a field.
- Compatibility: Compatible with earlier versions of phpMyDataGrid
- Cross Browser: phpMyDataGrid Ultimate has been tested in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Konqueror, Netscape, Safari, Google Chrome and Mozilla.
- Meets W3C recommendations: The HTML code generated by phpMyDataGrid Ultimate comply with the recommendations given by the W3C in the management of the definitions HTML and XHTML
Excellent and powerful product! it brings a similar desktop application experience to the web.
Felipe - USA
Estoy realmente sorprendido por la potencia y simplicidad de esta libreria. Gracias, por esta gran ayuda.
Paul Welsch - Argentina
FAQWhat differences exist between phpMyDataGrid Encoded and phpMyDataGrid Full? The only difference is that in the encoded version you can not view or edit the code in the library.
Supported browsers
Supported Databases