ButtonWidth Descripción: Specifies the width of the icons used as buttons on phpMyDataGrid.Valores posibles:
ButtonWidth : Integer.
Default: 25
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
backtick Descripción:Some databases like MySQL allow to enclose the name of the fields, table names or database names, by using a special character, for example ` the characterValores posibles:
backtick : Character.
Default: `
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
liquidTable Descripción:Defines whether or not phpMyDataGrid will fit automatically the width available on the screen.Valores posibles:
liquidTable : Boolean.
Default: false
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
width Descripción: It complements the property liquidTable defining the percentage of which will fit the screen automatically.Valores posibles:
width : String, Defining a percentage.
Default: 100%
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
condition Descripción: It is now possible to condition the style of certain records giving them another output format, as easy as define the conditions that must be fulfilled.Valores posibles:
condition : String, conditional statement.
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
Importante: It is possible to use any field used within the grid, simply type the field name between [' ... ']
NOTE: phpMyDataGrid evolution, allows to you to use this property in order to define a CSS style, as well as you can use the addRowStyle method which allows to define a set of conditions in order to get as result a CSS class to format the row output
conditionalStyle Descripción:This property complements the use of condition property, in this property are defined the styles to display the records that meet the specified condition.Valores posibles:
conditionalStyle : CSS style list
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
Importante: If you use the method addRowStyle to set conditions, it is not necessary to use this property
conditionEdit Descripción:If you want to limit the editing records only those who meet certain conditions, use the following property to define the condition that must be fulfilled.Valores posibles:
conditionEdit : String, conditional statement.
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
Importante: It is possible to use any field used within the grid, simply type the field name between [' ... ']
conditionDelete Descripción:If you want to limit the deleting records only those who meet certain conditions, use the following property to define the condition that must be fulfilled.Valores posibles:
conditionDelete :
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
Importante: It is possible to use any field used within the grid, simply type the field name between [' ... ']
moneySign Descripción:Define the sign to display in Money field typesValores posibles:
moneySign : 1 character.
Default: $
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
zebraLines Descripción:Defenes the way in which the interlined will be displayedValores posibles:
zebraLines : Integer
Default: 1
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
showToOf Descripción:This property defines if the message Displaying records X to Y is displayed or notValores posibles:
showToOf : Boolean.
Default: true
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
AllowChangeNumRows Descripción:phpMyDataGrid allows to end user to modify the amount of records per page to display, if you don't like to allow the user to do that, set this property to falseValores posibles:
AllowChangeNumRows : Boolean.
Default: true
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
charset Descripción:Allow to define the page coding in which the page will be rendered.Valores posibles:
charset : String
Default: ISO-8859-1
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
sqlDataCoding Descripción:Defines the database encodingValores posibles:
sqlDataCoding : String
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
sqlcharset Descripción:Defines the encoding to use by MySQLValores posibles:
sqlcharset : String
utf8, big5, latin1, etc
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
Importante: It is important to define this property as a complement to sqlDataCoding for a right working
defaultdateformat Descripción:Defines the default format to date type fieldsValores posibles:
defaultdateformat : Combination of dmy characters
Default: dmy
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
defaultdateseparator Descripción:Defines the date separator char.Valores posibles:
defaultdateseparator : 1 Character.
Default: /
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
csvSeparator Descripción:Character used to separate the values exported in CSV (Comma Separated Values)Valores posibles:
csvSeparator : 1 character
Default: ;
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
uploadDirectory Descripción:This property is used to define the folder where images will be uploadedValores posibles:
uploadDirectory : path to images folder, it may be relative or absolute
Default: /
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
Importante: Specified path must have write permissions.
show404image Descripción:Defines if phpMyDataGrid would display a 404 image when the related image is not found.Valores posibles:
show404image : Boolean.
Default: false
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
retcode Descripción: By default, phpMyDataGrid is rendered at the end of the script execution, but if this property is changed to true, then the HTML code will be returned as value to be stored in a variable.Valores posibles:
retcode : Boolean
Default: false
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
getMyOwnButtons Descripción:It allows the developer to control the position of the buttons New / Search / Export, by not displaying them directly on the grid, but allows to be positioned in any section of your website.Valores posibles:
getMyOwnButtons : Boolean.
Default: false
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
Importante: Note: To function, property retcode must be set to true.
strAddBtn: Función:This property complements getMyOwnButtons property, returning the HTML for add buttonEjemplo de uso: Copy
strSearchBtn: Función:This property complements getMyOwnButtons property, returning the HTML for search buttonEjemplo de uso: Copy
strExportBtn: Función:This property complements getMyOwnButtons property, returning the HTML for export buttonEjemplo de uso: Copy
cssPrinter Descripción:Define the CSS styles filename that will be used for printing.Valores posibles:
cssPrinter : Path and CSS filename
Default: css/b-w-print.css
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
PDFfont Descripción:Set the font to use when exporting to PDFValores posibles:
PDFfont : FontName
Default: Arial
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
PDFfontsize Descripción:Set the font size to use when exporting to PDFValores posibles:
PDFfontsize : Numeric.
Default: 7
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
PDFfill Descripción:It defines the RGB values for the background color for titles when exporting to PDFValores posibles:
PDFfill : 
Default: array("R"=>192,"G"=>192,"B"=>192);
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
PDFdraw Descripción:It defines the RGB values for the color of the letter to export to PDFValores posibles:
PDFdraw : 
Default: array("R"=>0,"G"=>0,"B"=>0);
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
actHeader Descripción:It is used to generate a header in the options: New, Edit, View.Valores posibles:
actHeader ['']:
actFooter Descripción:It is used to generate a footer in the options: New, Edit, View.Valores posibles:
actFooter ['']:
images Descripción:This property is a vector containing the names of the image files to be used as icons in the Datagrid.Valores posibles:
images ['']:
Importante: If you change something in the name of image, make sure that the image exists in the folder of images
message Descripción:This property is a vector that contains the descriptive texts to be used in the Datagrid, changing their values, you'll customize the datagrid to use your own textsValores posibles:
message ['']:
debug Descripción:Generates messages to debug the results of phpMyDataGridValores posibles:
debug : Boolean.
Default: false
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
logSQLError Descripción:Defines whether or not the SQL errors will be recorded in a log fileValores posibles:
logSQLError : Boolean.
Default: true
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
logfile Descripción:Defines the filename and path to log SQL errorsValores posibles:
logfile : path and filename
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
Importante: Filename must have write permissions
processData Descripción:It is used to define the name of a function that pre-process the information from the database before being displayed in the grid, this property is useful (for example) if it requires changing the value of a date or put a prefix to an invoice number, etc.Valores posibles:
processData : Function name (without parenthesis or parameters)
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
Importante: The function should receive an array as a parameter containing all the records display, and must return a new array with the elements modified
nocenter Descripción:If this property is defined, the windows of action (add, edit, view, search, export) will not be centered in the window, but would remain in the upper left corner of the screenValores posibles:
nocenter : Boolean.
Default: false
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
saveaddnew Descripción:Defines whether to add / edit displays the 'Save & New' buttonValores posibles:
saveaddnew : Boolean.
Default: false
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
height Descripción:Define a fixed height for the grid, if the data is larger than grid height then a scrollbar will be displayed.Valores posibles:
height : Grid Height
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
btnOrder Descripción:Define the order to display the record buttonsValores posibles:
btnOrder : Any possible conbination of the following definitions: [E][V][D][Up][Dn]
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
Importante: Next we will explain each button representation:
[E] = Adir Button
[V] = View Button
[D] = Delete Button
[Up]= Row Up Button
[Dn]= Row Down Button
nowindow Descripción:Set this property to true if you do not want to have 'pop up' layers for data maintenanceValores posibles:
nowindow : Boolean.
Default: false
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
toolbar Descripción:Modify the grid interfase by adding a toolbar for icons.Valores posibles:
toolbar : Boolean.
Default: false
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
delchkbtn Descripción:This property works together with the toolbar property, set to true to add a button to the toolbar that allow to delete multiple checked rows.Valores posibles:
delchkbtn : Boolean.
Default: false
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
Importante: This property must be activated only if the toolbar property is set to 'true', otherwise you may get unexpected results
strExportInline Descripción:This property works together with the toolbar property, set to true to integrate the export window into the toolbar avoiding the use of popup layers.Valores posibles:
strExportInline : Boolean.
Default: false
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
Importante: This property must be activated only if the toolbar property is set to 'true', otherwise you may get unexpected results
strSearchInline Descripción:This property works together with the toolbar property, set to true to integrate the search window into the toolbar avoiding the use of popup layers.Valores posibles:
strSearchInline : Boolean.
Default: false
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
Importante: This property must be activated only if the toolbar property is set to 'true', otherwise you may get unexpected results
reload Descripción:This property works together with the toolbar property, set to true to add into the toolbar a button for refresh/reload the DataGrid.Valores posibles:
reload : Boolean.
Default: false
Ejemplo de uso: Copy
Importante: This property must be activated only if the toolbar property is set to 'true', otherwise you may get unexpected results
poweredby Descripción:Defines whether the phpMyDataGrid logo is displayedValores posibles:
poweredby : Boolean.
Default: false
Ejemplo de uso: Copy